Wednesday, 27 May 2015

An Afternoon Tea Affair

The Betty Stamp Lifestyle Blog Afternoon Tea

What springs to mind when mentioning a typically tempting, indulgent British afternoon? For me it's spending quality time down in Somerset with my family, treating ourselves to a long overdue catch up whilst stuffing our chops full of clotted cream scones and mini cakelets! (Yes I have just made up the word cakelets…I'm going to roll with that one, I rather enjoy it)

So that is exactly what we did!

And we all know how much I love a girly afternoon tea!

But not just the one afternoon tea this time, no siree! We only went and had two! Not on the same day though - that would have just been plain greedy (!)

The Betty Stamp Lifestyle Blog Afternoon Tea

The Betty Stamp Lifestyle Blog Afternoon Tea

Our weekend kicked off with a sunny afternoon strolling around Bath, sipping frothy cappuccinos and window shopping for goodies. Followed by a couple of treatments at The Macdonald Spa Hotel - me a deep tissue massage (bliss) and mum a pedicure for her twinkle toes. 

We sun'd ourselves silly whilst munching finger sarnies, freshly baked warm scones, Bath buns (which were a revelation! Like a mini doughnut bun filled with sugar), mini eclairs topped with blueberries & choccie buttons(!), fruit boats and mini jars of lemon meringue cheesecake.

Actual heaven. 

The Betty Stamp Lifestyle Blog Afternoon Tea

The Betty Stamp Lifestyle Blog Afternoon Tea

The Betty Stamp Lifestyle Blog Afternoon Tea

And yes, that is a chocolate mousse with a base of coco pops, topped with honeycomb and raspberry! Nom nom nom. 

The hotel itself was stunning, covered in blossoming wisteria and set in the most beautiful grounds - within walking distance of Bath city centre but far enough away from the buzz to be in utter peace and tranquility. 

The Betty Stamp Lifestyle Blog Afternoon Tea

My beautiful mama :)

The Betty Stamp Lifestyle Blog Afternoon Tea

The Betty Stamp Lifestyle Blog Afternoon Tea

Safe to say we didn't want to leave. Luckily we had another one to look forward to! Such piglets.

Our second, Sunday afternoon tea took place at the beautiful Mount Somerset Hotel near Taunton. This was a whole family affair as my brother and I bought it for mum & dad as a present way back when. As the sun decided to go into hiding on Sunday, we snuggled into the cosy armchairs,  nearly fell asleep  and supped our various choices of tea leaves whilst gassing and giggling over another mountain of munch! 

Such a civilised and treat-filled weekend! Made even better by the fact that it was spent with my 3 favourite people in the world. And what topped my weekend off with a cherry, was having my other favourite person waiting to greet me when I got back to London! Fresh off the Carousel tour and ready with cuddles :) and blueberry banana bacon pancakes!!!

Do we think I need to diet this week…..perhaps a little.

But then again... :)

Betty x



  1. Replies
    1. oo this makes me happy :) glad you found it! Enjoy x

  2. Ooh, Yummy, those afternoon tea 'cakelets' look divine. I don't know which I'd have gone for first! Though I know I'd have tried every single one of them - even if I did feel full. I'd be churlish not to! I just adore afternoon tea! Such a treat. And even better to spend it with those who are most dear to you.
    Loving your new word! Cakelet! I think it'll be in the Collins English Dictionary before you know it (well why not, we have tart and tartlet, so why not cake and cakelet)?!
    Angela x

    1. I couldn't have put that better myself! Exactement! Let's start throwing the word around and eventually people will catch on! x

  3. Amazing photos, looks like a fabulous afternoon!

    Anika |

  4. It is 100% not greedy to have two afternoon teas in one day. In fact I'm sure it's practically a requirement.

    PS. I'm digging cakelets. Totally digging that.



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