Thursday, 31 March 2016

Home Sweet Home :: Somerset

 You know those days you look back on and they create a warm fuzzy feeling inside? That you want to cling onto forever and lock inside a little golden treasure chest? And wrap that golden treasure chest in alpaca wool to keep it all warm and fuzzy forever? 

Yeah that. 

Not to be dramatic (but to be dramatic) I was very nearly trampled to death in Paddington station trying to get the 19.45 train to Somerset last Thursday. I ran like a crazy person for a seat on that ruddy train, I've never seen anything like it. As soon as the announcement went, it was like a swarm of ants scurrying for platform 8. The thought of missing time with my family though propelled me faster!

Since I was a little tot, it's been tradition that my family have done the Good Friday Walk from our village to the neighbouring one, with the promise of toasted hot cross buns and steaming tea at the end of it spurring us on :) Having missed two Easters, two christmas' and several family birthdays over the last couple of years because of boat life, you can see now why I ran as fast as my little legs would carry me for that train!

I want to remember last weekend for always, so it's getting a special little corner on my blog. Nothing beats being with family. Actually...nothings beats being with family and having a full Christmas dinner when it's not Christmas :)

Dad likes to wear high vis regardless of the fact that the sun is shining and he's very much visible to oncoming traffic at the short height of 6"4...

oh and the huge wooden cross.

This little chap was waiting to greet us at the finish line :) although he doesn't look too peachy about it...

'Heyyy, where's my steamy hot cross bun?'

And here comes the good stuff...

Did anyone else get hit by this random hail storm??

Mmmm cosy, my favourite place in the entire world. Log fire, cup of tea, surrounded by family, maybe just three one choccie easter bunny to nibble on and a food coma glowing food baby. (Find food baby remedy here)

Hope you all had the jolliest Easters and spent it with the people you love most. What were your favourite bits?

Betty x

Ps, I did also do a tiny weeny bit of baking ..... maybe a bit more than a teeny weeny bit. I'm still in the process of editing some of them - Mum's Malty Loaf for example. But if you missed my Cheesy Hot Cross Biscuits, Millionaire Mini Egg Shortbread or Sticky Hot Cross Buns then it's never too late! Although it is a little late...
You can still have a good ol' drool though.

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